A limited run of Sorghum Syrup from our friends Carl and Lou of Empire Syrups in Groton, New York. American production of sorghum syrup dates to before the Civil War, but the commercial ascent of sugarcane since then has left this old artisan product on the verge of disappearing.
Like cane sugar syrup, sorghum syrup is boiled down from freshly juiced sorghum stalks until the liquid reaches a thick, luscious consistency. The flavor is smooth and clean but heady with notes of of hay, molasses, and just a touch of nuttiness. Drizzle sorghum syrup over buttered biscuits, waffles, and pancakes, or sneak a tablespoon into homemade barbecue sauce. It adds incredible depth to a braising liquid and mixes well, hot or cold. It’s a seasoning as much as a sweetener!
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